In this book, all questions about evaluation are answered.
Please note that "evaluation" may have a different name in your case, such as study or trial.
What is an evaluation?
An evaluation can be viewed as a collection of tests and itself contains only a limited amount ...
How do I create a new evaluation?
To create a new evaluation, click on Evaluations in the left navigation bar. Then click on the ...
How do I edit an evaluation?
To edit an existing evaluation, click Evaluations in the left navigation bar. Then click on the...
Status of an evaluation
The status of an evaluation is set automatically based on the status of the tests. DRAFT statu...
How do I create a new test?
To create a new test, you must first select the desired evaluation. Within an evaluation you wi...
How do I edit an existing test?
To edit an existing test, you must first select the corresponding evaluation. In the detailed v...
Status of a test
You can change the status of a test if necessary by navigating to the test detail page. There y...
Activating the "Tester can change reviewer" feature
Activate the checkbox for “Tester can change reviewer” in a test or evaluation if you want to use...
Feedback validation
If you want to activate the feedback validation, first navigate to the corresponding test. Ther...
Selecting a Test Type
If you create a new test, you have the option of defining it as one of the following three test...