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7.3. Wählen eines alternativen Beurteilers
Innerhalb eines Fragenkatalogs kann ein alternativer Beurteiler ausgewählt werden, der den Fragebogen statt des eingeloggten Users ausfüllt.
2.1. Overview "Booking calendar" for planners
This is the view of the booking calendar for the planner. DAILY VIEW As a planner, you can see all booked, requested, approved and unavailable drives as well as all important information about the testers and the drive. QUARTERLY VIEW The col...
3.3. All bookings
Here you can see all the bookings that have been requested in this division. The various statuses can be viewed under the “Booking status” column. Here you can subsequently enter the value of the “kilometers driven” and edit the reason for a blocking booking. ...
3.2. Approvals
If you have been assigned the Approver role, you will find all booking requests an their statuses under this menu item: The bookings can have following statuses: Approved Requested Booked Canceled Rejected To approve a booking, please cli...
3.1. Overview "My bookings" for planners
The booking list provides you with an overview of all bookings that you have requested or booked. The list is made up of several columns. On the left, there is a “Test object” column in which the test object name and the first two attributes are listed. ...
2.5. Date picker
At the top next to the buttons there is a date picker and four arrows that allow you to quickly select a date and skip through certain time intervals.
2.4. Legend
The legend is located below the menu at the top left. It helps you find your way around the booking calendar and explains the color coding of the status and location. The following statuses can be defined for “Status”: Requested Booked Approved Pa...
2.3. Test object tile for planners
In the calendar, you will find the list of available test objects in the first column on the left and the respective day view. The two most important pieces of information are displayed in the test object tile: Test object name The first two attribu...
2.2. Making a booking as a planner
DAILY VIEW The current day, weekday and date are always highlighted with a color. Looking at the individual day, through hovering over it, you can find a “+” button. Clicking on it opens a separate pop-up “Create booking” with the following options: ...
3.2. Different statuses of bookings and tests
Bookings in the booking calendar go through a workflow until a tester can select a drive for evaluation in their IVA iOS app or in the web tester. This overview is intended to illustrate the workflow and show the status of the associated IVA tests: ...
7.4. Bearbeiten und Abschließen eines Fragenkatalogs
Fragenkataloge können aus mehreren Seiten bestehen. Um zwischen den Seiten eines Fragenkatalogs zu wechseln, klicken sie die Buttons „Weiter“ bzw. „Zurück“, um zur vorherigen Seite zu gelangen. Sind Pflichtfragen vorhanden, so müssen diese zuerst beantwortet w...
3.1. Overview "My bookings" for testers
The booking list provides you with an overview of all bookings that you have requested or booked. The list is made up of several columns. On the far right is the column: “To test”. If a drive has been approved, the column is filled with a “Car” icon. Clicking...
3.0 BUGs
The driving mode works as intended again. The BUG where the driving mode automatically closed again shortly after starting has been fixed. Test objects can now be switched again as intended and tests can therefore be started via the "Start" button. The BUG w...
2.0 Improvement
Improvement of the camera function The camera function, which can be used to add images and videos to feedbacks, has been improved. You can now take several photos and videos in succession and add them from the media library. Clicking on the “Camera” icon o...
1.0 Creating feedback via voice commands
With the help of Siri, it is now possible for testers to create feedback using voice commands. Via the dialog with Siri, the description, rating, attributes and category which are to be assigned to the feedback are captured here.
3.0 BUGs
Der Fahrtmodus funktioniert wieder wie vorgesehen. Der BUG, bei dem sich der Fahrtmodus kurz nach Start automatisch wieder beendete, wurde behoben. Testobjekte können wieder wie vorgesehen gewechselt und Tests folglich über den „Starten“-Button gestartet wer...
2.0 Improvement
Verbesserung der Kamerafunktion Die Kamerafunktion, über die Bilder und Videos zu Feedbacks hinzugefügt werden können, wurde verbessert. Es können nun direkt mehrere Fotos und Videos nacheinander aufgenommen, sowie auch aus der Mediathek hinzugefügt werden. ...
1.0 Feedback Erfassung mit Siri (Kurzbefehle)
Ab sofort ist es Testern mit Hilfe von Siri möglich, Feedback über Sprachbefehle zu erstellen. Dazu muss man die Einstellungen in IVA öffnen und Siri Konfiguration einschalten. Über den Dialog mit Siri werden hier die Beschreibung, Bewertung, Attribut...
7.5. Löschen von Antworten
Die Antworten eines noch nicht abgesendeten Fragenkatalogs können jederzeit gelöscht werden, indem Sie innerhalb eines Fragenkatalogs das "Löschen"-Icon oben rechts unter der Tableiste klicken. Die Antworten in einem bereits abgeschlossenen Fragenkatalog ...
3.5. Tax export
Here you can create a monthly export if the “Tax” column is filled in under the “All bookings” menu item and values are entered in the “Kilometers driven” column. Simply select a month and the corresponding year and click on the “Create export” button at t...